

Newsletter – February 22nd

Newsletter – February 22nd

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in religion we are continuing our study of Jesus' miracles. For memory we learned 1 John 4:19 which tells of God's love for us. In science we are learning about the sun and telescopes. For social studies we are learning about...

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Newsletter – February 15th

Newsletter – February 15th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in math we are learning numbers from 60 to 100. In religion we are continuing our study of Jesus' earthly ministry and miracles. Our memory this week is the third article of the Apostles' Creed which teaches about the work of...

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Newsletter – February 8th

Newsletter – February 8th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week's handwriting lesson is on writing letters "A" "a". In science we are learning about the life cycle of animals. Our social studies lessons are about economics. In math we are practicing place value with numbers to 100. In...

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Newsletter – February 1st

Newsletter – February 1st

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance Our handwriting lesson this week is writing the letters "O" and "o". In language we are writing our own sentences using prompts. In religion we are studying the Lord's Prayer and learning what the Apostle's Creed is. For memory this week...

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Newsletter January 25th

Newsletter January 25th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week we are celebrating National Lutheran Schools week and being Connected in Christ. This week for memory we are learning the Lord's Prayer. In religion we are studying the fruits of the spirit. In math we are finishing our...

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Newsletter – January 18th

Newsletter – January 18th

Dear Parents, Week at a Glance This week in language we are writing the months of the year. In religion we are continuing our study of the Fruits of the Spirit and what it means to be connected in Christ. Our memory verse was Isaiah 43:1 which reminds us that God...

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