Newsletter – August 24th

August 23, 2023

We are just one week into our year and we are beginning to settle into their new classroom procedures. I forget how tiring the first week of school can be for everyone! There are so many new expectations and exciting changes when you are starting 3rd grade!

I’m looking forward to meeting with you at our Back-to-School Night on Monday.  I will be sharing our class schedule and other class information. We will begin the evening in the church at 6:30.

Assignment books need to come back and forth between school and home every day. There is a place for parents to initial each evening.  There is a calendar for each month in the front part of the assignment book.  We will use these calendars to keep track of the minutes read each day.  There is also a place at the bottom of the page each week where minutes can be recorded.

Thursday Envelopes
There should be a large manila envelope coming home with your child on Thursdays.  It will contain graded work from the week as well as important information or forms from the school.  Please return these envelopes each Monday morning. Processing all of the envelopes together saves a lot of time and helps to keep information from getting lost.  Also, please mark the church/Sunday school page on the front of the envelope each week.

Pastor Jacob led our chapel service this week and focused on the importance of being connected to Christ. Next week, Pastor Bob will lead our chapel service and we will sit with our chapel families for this school year. Our offerings for this quarter will be going towards LEADaChild; LeadaChild is an independent Lutheran Mission Agency, dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus’ love to children through Christian education in third world countries. 

Lunch, Snack, and Water Bottles
Our class will eat lunch in the cafeteria most days this year. There is a microwave available to reheat lunches in the cafeteria. Please do not send food that needs to be “cooked” rather than just warmed as we all have to share one microwave and have limited time for lunch. We will eat outside at the picnic tables on Friday as long as the weather permits. (Keep in mind that we do not have a microwave outside for use on Fridays.)

I would like to emphasize the importance of students keeping a water bottle in the classroom.  With the high temperatures outside these days, staying hydrated is even more important. Ones with the push/pull type lids work better than twist-off lids (we have already had several mishaps with them spilling).  Tight lids with a straw are acceptable also.  I am also requesting that the metal ones be replaced with plastic. (They have discovered that they make a fun, loud gong sound when they bump them against anything.) They should not be more than 24 oz. size or they will not fit in their bottle holders. We can refill them throughout the day. Many of the kids like to bring them in the morning with ice to keep them cold.

The dismissal time on a normal day is 3:30 for 3rd-5th grade. On early dismissal days, 3rd and 4th grades should be picked up at 11:30. We stagger the dismissal times of the different grade levels in 10-minute intervals to make the pick-up line run more smoothly and quickly for parents. Please do not come early; if you do, you will be asked to park until it is your pick-up time. Parents of multiple children, please pick up during the oldest child’s time. 

Weekly Assignments
Memory work is recited each Wednesday. Your child needs to know the assigned memory selection before he/she arrives at school in the morning. The class did well memorizing the first part of our theme verses this week, but other memory will not be displayed so prominently everywhere around the building so it is important for the kids to review them daily

Memory for August 30
John 15:4-5 – “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Spelling words for next week:  Inflected endings


Sentence:  There are one hundred pennies in a dollar.

I believe your child’s education should be a team effort. Please feel free to contact me if you have concerns or praise.  You can often reach me at school until fairly late so you may try to reach me there, or you may e-mail me at

Thank you for the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with your precious children.


Margie Krzesinski

Important Upcoming Dates:
8/28 – Back to School Night
8/26 – 5/6 Grade Preseason Volleyball Tournament at Hope
9/4 – Labor Day (no school)
9/9 – 40th Anniversary Bash & Pie Auction
9/21 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (early dismissal)
9/22 – Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school)

Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...