Newsletter – September 14th

September 13, 2023

Parent/Teacher Conferences –  I am looking forward to meeting with you at conferences next week. We are meeting so that we can work as a team to see how we can best help your student succeed this year. We will go over the beginning of the year testing and discuss progress and goals. We have set aside Thursday afternoon or Friday to be able to meet with you. Please refer to the signup genius for your scheduled time. There will be extended care available on Thursday, but students who are staying will need to bring their own lunch. There is no extended care available on Friday.

Following Directions – In the papers that are coming home in the envelopes today, you may find some with a number of points counted off for not following directions.  We spent a great deal of time emphasizing the directions and the importance of following them (and even gave them multiple reminders during their work time!).  Please go over these papers with your child.  Attending to directions is a very important skill that they will use throughout the years.

Redo assignments – assignments to be redone have a percentage less than 75% with a note that says “Please redo”. On a separate piece of paper, please have your student put their name, date, and assignment that is being redone. Both the original assignment and the redo need to be attached together and turned in by Monday of each week. Please contact me if there are any questions about the redo assignments. Redoing the assignments will help students to focus on problem areas and help them to prepare for testing.

Math – We are continuing to work on rounding, and next week we will be finishing up our chapter on the addition of numbers up to 3 digits with regrouping.  We should be ready to test the following week.

Social Studies – Our first unit covers regions of the United States.  The class has been working on poster maps of the regions in class. We will begin a project in Google Classroom soon with an interactive learning guide to learn about 5 regions of the United States including landmarks, tourist locations, regional climate, and landformsThe students will make a flipbook of the things they have learned!

Science – We are learning about force and motion in science. We will also be looking at simple machines as we prepare for our first field trip which is to Science City next month! The original date needed to be changed to Thursday, October 19, due to the availability of their lunch area. Watch for the permission slip to be coming home next week.

Our new playground is ready to be installed, but we need help moving the pieces. Can you help?  Here are the dates and times we need HELP!

  • Saturday, September 16th at 9:00am
  • Tuesday, September 19th at 6:30pm
  • Saturday, September 23rd at 9:00am
  • Tuesday, September 26th at 6:30pm *  This is the most critical date.  Plan to lift heavy platforms onto the primary center posts of the playground.
    Please consider helping out. 

Family Education Day – The Hope Life Team & Kansas Federation of Lutherans for Life invites you to an event on Monday, September 18th.

  • National Speaker -Michelle Bauman -Executive Director
  • For families … youth, parents, grandparents, and caring adults!
  • Michelle addresses “What is a LIFE Issue?” and teaches us “how to talk to kids” about important LIFE concerns from the womb to the tomb.
  • 5:15 pm – FREE Dinner (w/rsvp) for Hope families
  • 6:15 pm – Adult Session with Michelle
  • An Hour of Presentation  – Time for Questions after
  • A “Journey” through an Interactive Display of Resources
  • Take-home LIFE kit, Door Prizes, and more!
  • Meanwhile ….Youth Movie & Special Treats during Adult Events
  • All ages of children are welcome! Hope Lutheran Church and School
  • The event begins in Concord Hall.

School Picture Day is Thursday, October 5th. Students may wear a nice top with their uniform bottom for pictures. If girls choose to wear a dress for pictures, please remember that we have recess yet and shorts or leggings need to be worn underneath.

PAHS Auction Donations  – Our Annual Hope Lutheran PAHS auction is on November 4th.  Money raised in our auction goes toward Art, Music, Spanish, and technology.   If you are able to donate something to the auction this year bring it by and drop it off in the school office.  Please note items must be new.  Help us make this year’s auction a huge success!  If you have any questions about a donation please contact Debra Heimsoth at

Spelling words for next Thursday:  vowel digraphs 


Sentence:  We ate peaches and cream for dessert.

Memory for September 20:

Meaning of the Second Commandment:
What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not curse, swear, use satanic arts, lie, or deceive by His name, but call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks.

Next Week:

  • Friday, 9/15
    – Spelling Test
  • Monday, 9/18
    – Family Education Day
  • Wednesday, 9/20
    – Memory
  • Thursday, 9/21
    – Spelling Test
    – Early Dismissal – 11:40
    – Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Friday, 9/22
    – No School
    – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • 10/5 – School Pictures
  • 10/9-10/10 – No School – Lutheran Teacher Conference
  • 10/19– Science City field trip
  • 10/20 – Early Dismissal – end of 1st Quarter
Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...