Newsletter – December 7th

December 6, 2023

We have had another very busy week!  We have been preparing for our Christmas program to share, working on various Christmas projects, working on our multiplication facts, learning about customs, and how God’s wonderful creation works together in so many amazing ways as we have been studying relationships and forms of energy. (Quite a combination of learning has been going on in our class this week!)

All book report posters should be turned in by Monday. Next week the students will each be presenting them to the class.

Crown Center Singing – Hope Lutheran choirs are singing at Crown Center on Tuesday, December 12th. We ask that all students arrive at Crown Center at 5:15 pm and meet their teacher in front of the Hallmark Store, second level. The students in third grade are to wear their Christmas BEST. (Please note that this is a change from the previous dress request.) Hope Lutheran School is scheduled to perform at 5:45 pm. Participation in this event is worth points toward your child’s choir grade. If your child cannot be there, please email Mrs. Schkade at (3rd – 6th grade choir), Miss Christian at (1st-2nd grade choir) with a note of explanation so your child receives an “excused absence” in the grade book. We look forward to caring Jesus with the community and who Hope Lutheran School is. 

Jingle Grams – StuCo will be selling Jingle Grams on sale December 11-15 at drop-off each morning. For just $1 you can send a Christmas card with a candy cane to friends at school. They will be delivered to classrooms by Wednesday, Dec. 20.

Christmas Program – 1st through 4th grade will have our Christmas program, Angel’s Aware, on Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 pm. Students are to wear a white top, and white pants/skirt, and girls are to wear white leggings. If you do not have white pants or a skirt, please wear khaki. Students are to arrive in the classroom at 6:15. Parents will pick up their student from the classroom after the program.

Dinner Before Christmas Program – The 8th grade will serve spaghetti dinner with dessert before the Christmas programs on December 14th and 19th.  We will begin at 5:00 pm so everyone can get their children to the classrooms on time.  Bring your entire family and relax with your HLS family as you prepare to celebrate our Savior’s birth at the Christmas program.  A free-will offering will be accepted.  All proceeds will go toward the 2024 Washington, D.C. trip.  More details about the menu will come home in Thursday folders. 

Holiday Shop – We are proud to announce that we have chosen The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop for our Children’s Holiday Gift Store this year. The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop will allow your children to shop for high-quality gifts for friends and family in the secure atmosphere of our school. The Kids’ Choice® Gift Shop program allows our children to make real-life shopping decisions…plus they learn that giving is as important as receiving. Gift items start at less than $1.00, with most in the $1.00 to $5.00 range. We are sending this notice home now for two reasons:
1. To give those children who would prefer to purchase gifts with their own money enough time to earn that money through chores, etc.
2. To ask for volunteer parents and/or grandparents to help us run the shop. If you are interested in helping, please call the school.
The third grade will do our shopping on Thursday, December 14th.

Christmas Families – We continue to collect for our Christmas families.  Below you will find the items that our Christmas Family is in need of.  We are helping out four families from our community.  If you are able to help, please see the list below.  We are blessed by our generous Hope family.

Family for Grades K-3:

Aspen (girl age 7)
Size 7-8 in tops and jeans/leggings; needs pj’s
Aspen enjoys arts and crafts.
She would like a Barbie, Barbie clothes, and some Barbie accessories.
Mom has requested age-appropriate books to read to Aspen.

Amari (boy age 2)
Size 24 months in shirts and pants: needs pj’s
Size 12 in shoes/socks
Gift ideas: blocks, trucks/cars, and/or balls (soft for indoors)

For the Family: crib mattress, towels, kitchen items, 2 pillows, twin blanket for a girl, crib sheets and blanket, queen size sheets and blanket, love seat or couch (any in good condition), gift cards to Walmart and Aldi’s work best for this family.

Advent – We are now in the season of Advent. You are invited to join us at Hope Lutheran Church on Wednesday, December 13 & 20, at 4 pm, and 7 pm.

Our Christmas Party will be on Wednesday, Dec 20. We will be doing something a little different for our class gift exchange in class this year. Instead of drawing names (since we have had so many days in a row with kids absent), I am asking that each student bring in a pair of crazy, fun socks, wrapped as a gift. (They can be Christmas socks if you want, but they can be any fun socks to wear on Fridays!) We will be exchanging them in a fun activity at our party.

Spelling Words for December 15:  3.3  (suffixes -ly, -y, -ness)


Sentence:  Suddenly, an angel appeared!

Memory work for December 13:  
Matthew 11:28   Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
AND (from our Christmas program)
We’re aware that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Important Reminders:

  • Friday, Dec. 8:
    • Spelling Test
    • Unit 2 Social Studies test
  • Monday, Dec. 11:
    • Book report due
  • Tuesday, Dec. 12
    • 1st–6th grade sing at Crown Center Plaza (Wear Christmas best)
  • December 12-15:
    • Jingle Grams available from StuCo
  • Wednesday, Dec. 13:
    • Advent Service, 4 & 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Dec. 14:
    • 1st – 4th Grade Christmas Program
  • Friday, Dec. 15th:
    • Spelling Test
    • Science test – Chapter 2, Energy and Its Forms
  • Monday, Dec. 18:
    • Wear Ugly Christmas Sweaters with uniform bottoms
  • Tuesday, Dec. 19
    • Wear Christmas PJ’s
  • Wednesday, Dec. 20:
    • Wear Christmas t-shirt & Socks with uniform bottoms
    • Christmas Sing-a-long and classroom parties
    • Early dismissal
    • Advent Service, 4 & 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Dec. 21– Wednesday, Jan. 3:
    • Christmas Break

Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...