Newsletter – January 25th

January 24, 2024

Our week is going by so quickly! We have had fun celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week and the blessings we receive each day as we are in school! We have one more day of celebration. The dress for tomorrow is Connect-Four colors or red and gold and we get to join together with the 5th-grade class to connect with games in the afternoon. This week we are learning about Australia and its people through a Gospel Adventure sponsored by Lutheran Hour Ministries. We thank Hope Lutheran congregation for valuing Christian education so that our school was established and for the support that they continue to provide! We also thank God for all of the parents and families of our Hope community. What a blessing to be able to share the love of Christ each day as we learn the wonders of His creation!

Open House will be available on different dates, January 25, February 7th, 13th, and 22nd. Parents are encouraged to come to visit your child’s classroom for next year on the 13th. Each Open House is open to anyone interested in attending Hope next year. We look forward to seeing you and new faces too!

Ash Wednesday Chapel – As part of this service on Wednesday, February 14th, the children may participate in the imposition of ashes.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let his/her teacher know.  The children do not have to participate if they do not wish to.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office. Chapel service will be held in the sanctuary. Parents are welcome to attend.

Student Ushers – The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues up until Easter. 3rd grade has been asked to help with handing out service folders and ushering for the 4:00 Wednesday Lenten Services beginning on February 21st. This is an opportunity for the students to be involved in a way that they enjoy and can be of service to the congregation that supports our school in so many ways. Student helpers can stay with me after school and I will accompany them to the sanctuary and stay with them until after the service. Please use this Sign-Up Genius to indicate which service(s) your child could be available to serve. It is not expected that your child serves every week, but please indicate any/all weeks that it would be possible.  Lenten student usher sign-up

We are continuing our work with biographies next week with a book study on Helen Keller. So far we have read about Martin Luther King Jr., Mama Miti, and Laura Ingles Wilder. We will also be reading biographies about Jane Addams, Frederick Douglass, and Milton Hershey.

Book report – Project information and rubric for our biography book reports are in this week’s envelope. For this book report, they will be making a timeline of their person.  Students have access to colored paper in the classroom to use for this project if needed. The due date is Friday, March 1st. I have a number of biographies available in the classroom, but students are not limited to those. Books need to be selected by February 5. I am encouraging them to jot down important dates and events as they are reading so that they have the information for their timelines.

This quarter we are studying economics in social studies. We have already started to talk about financial literacy and how money can be earned, saved, spent, or donated. We will also talk about supply and demand, as well as opportunity costs. We are currently working in life science as we study plants. We are amazed by God’s perfect design and how intricately it all works together! In math, we will continue to work with multiplication and division.

Link Up: The Orchestra Sings – The 3rd and 4th graders are learning to play recorders with Mrs. Eckhoff this semester. The Kansas City Symphony offers a wonderful opportunity for them to play together with the Symphony at the Kauffman Center! Please look for the permission slip in today’s envelope and return it by next Friday, February 2nd.

Spelling Words for February 2:  4.2   (VCCCV) 


Sentence:    We will compare and contrast the two stories.

Memory for February 3: The Second Article: Redemption 
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.  He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead.  He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.  From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

Upcoming Events

  • January 30 – Family Game Night, 5:30-7:30 pm
  • February 2 – 100th Day of School!
    • Groundhog Day
    • spelling test
    • permission slips due
  • February 5 – Book Report Approval
  • February 7 – Open House, 6 pm-8 pm
  • February 9 – Midterm
  • February 13 – Open House for Parents of Current Students, 6 pm-8 pm
  • February 14 – Ash Wednesday
    • Valentine’s Day
  • February 19 – NO SCHOOL, President’s Day 
  • February 22 – Link Up: The Orchestra Sings 
  • March 1 – Book Report Due
  • March 8 – Grandparents Day
  • March 11-15 – Spring Break
Third Grade News, 1/16

Third Grade News, 1/16

I look forward to meeting with parents during our Parent/Teacher conferences this afternoon and evening. You will receive first-semester report cards and it will give us a chance to talk about progress and goals for this semester. It has been cold and snowy January so...

Third Grade News, 1/9

Third Grade News, 1/9

Happy Epiphany!  What a joy to focus on the greatest gift of all!  May we seek the Savior as the wise men did so many years ago. I hope that everyone has enjoyed the Christmas break and is looking forward to the blessings of this new year! Thank You!  Thank...