February 7, 2024

Ash Wednesday Chapel – As part of this service on Wednesday, February 14th, the children may participate in the imposition of ashes.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know.  The children do not have to participate if they do not wish to.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office. Chapel service will be held in the sanctuary. Parents are welcome to attend.

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Wednesday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Wednesday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top with uniform bottoms to school on Wednesday as well.

Geography Bee – Next week we will review geography facts for a classroom geography bee. 2 finalists (with 1 alternate) will represent our class at the all-school Geography Bee on February 28th.

Open House – We have 1 more night of Open House coming up on the 13th. Parents are invited to come to visit your child’s classroom for next year. The evening is also open to anyone who is interested in attending Hope next year. We look forward to seeing you and new faces too!

Lenten Services / Student Ushers – 3rd grade has been asked to help with handing out service folders and ushering for the 4:00 Wednesday Lenten Services beginning on February 21st. This is an opportunity for the students to be involved in a way that they enjoy and can be of service to the congregation that supports our school in so many ways. Student helpers can stay with me after school and I will accompany them to the sanctuary and stay with them until after the service. Please use this Sign-Up Genius to indicate which service(s) your child could be available to serve. It is not expected that your child serves every week, but please indicate any/all weeks that it would be possible.  Lenten student usher sign-up

Mite Boxes – Don’t forget to keep putting your coins in your Mite Boxes! We are encouraging all children at Hope Lutheran School to fill their MITE BOX and bring it back on February 28th for chapel.  
The best way to fill the mite box is to put your loose change from the car or have the children put in a penny a day.  Thank you for supporting the LWML. 

Science Fair – This year’s school-wide end-of-the-year event is a Science Fair on May 1st. This is a required project for all full-time students. A packet of information is in today’s envelope. The majority of the project is to be done at home. There will be dates and items that students need to bring in to check and be graded. Because this is a Science Fair, students should be doing experiments that follow the Scientific Method. They should begin with a question, followed by a hypothesis and experiment and collection of data that support or disprove the hypothesis. This project should not be a model that explains a process. If your child’s first choice for their project was not approved, please remember that it must be an experiment with a control and only one variable. I have shared a list of over 200 ideas with the class (but not all of them fit this criteria). Students need to resubmit a new plan if they were not approved. Be sure to keep up with due dates to stay on track.

Grandparents Day – Please be sure to Invite Grandparents and Special Person Day to join us on Friday, March 8th. The students will be performing. There will be snacks, games, and crafts for all our guests. Save the date! Please RSVP at  https://forms.gle/8ZYr2VH5pZXGe8uC8

Spelling Words for February 16: 4.4  (homographs)

Sentence:    The class discussed the content of the passage.

Memory for February 14:  The Second Article: Redemption 
What does this mean?  (Part 2)
who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death,

Upcoming Dates:

  • February 9 – Go Chiefs! Wear Chiefs top and uniform bottoms
  • February 13 – Step-Up Day
    • Open House, 6 pm-8 pm
  • February 14 – Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day
  • February 19 – Presidents Day – No School
  • February 22 – Link Up: The Orchestra Sings field trip
  • February 28 – Bring your Mite box offerings
    • All School Geography Bee
  • March 1 – Book Report Due
  • March 8 – Grandparents Day
    • Early dismissal
    • End of 3rd Quarter
  • March 11-15 – Spring Break
Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...