(Little House 2)
carve | panther | chores | quiet | catechism |
faint | flounce | curried | delaine | quivered |
Sentence: Mary and Laura had a swing made of tough bark.
(Little House 2)
carve | panther | chores | quiet | catechism |
faint | flounce | curried | delaine | quivered |
Sentence: Mary and Laura had a swing made of tough bark.
from Thanksgiving on Thursday bayburlywearyfolkwadedplanksfondlycuredhymnblessings Sentence: We have many blessings to be thankful for.
Review of Unit 2 words totaldefendmorningalarmpopcorneyesightincludemistakearen’tdoesn’tfinishtalentexploredarknessoutsidefootballcompetetranslateI’vecouldn’t Sentence: We have learned to spell a lot of words.