from Little House in the Big Woods #3
curd | shirk | thresher | curried | hewed |
gilt | shock | whetstone | troughs | kettle |
Sentence: When the sap is done boiling it turns to maple syrup.
from Little House in the Big Woods #3
curd | shirk | thresher | curried | hewed |
gilt | shock | whetstone | troughs | kettle |
Sentence: When the sap is done boiling it turns to maple syrup.
4.5 (homophones) atecelldeardualpawseightselldeerduelpause Sentence: I have eight pencils in my desk.
4.4 (homographs) digestconsultfinancecontenttransplantminuteupsetinclineresearchconstruct Sentence: My dependable friend is always on time.