Newsletter – April 11th

April 9, 2024

Our year is going by so quickly and we have so much to do yet. These next weeks will be busy ones!

We have been enjoying special activities all week for the Read-a-thon. Tomorrow, April 12th is “Dress up as your favorite book character” and read outside in the afternoon. (If it rains, read in Concord Hall or FLC.)  We have been logging minutes of reading that we do at school, but to log minutes that are read at home, you need to have their page activated. Friends and family can even support your child by donating to their page. Students in the whole school are competing and have the opportunity to win different prizes all week long. Students will also earn class awards for activating their page and for each $10 they raise. Our goal is for each child to raise at least $160. Our classroom goal is $2,600 to purchase a new laptop computer. Every dollar donation helps us to reach our goal! Money can still be raised until April 22nd.

The anticipation in our classroom grew this week as we put eggs into our incubator on Wednesday! It is hard to wait 21 days! We are just finishing our science unit on ecosystems and will take our chapter 5 test on April 15th. Then we will review life science as we look at the chicken’s life cycle and hopefully get to see God’s handiwork firsthand through the miracle of the development and hatching of chicks in our classroom! (Thank you to the Schempp family for supplying us with the eggs!)

Skate Party
PTL is Hosting a Spirit Night at Skate City tonight, April 11th, from 6-8 pm. Join with others at Skate City for a night of fun!

Movie Night
Student Council is hosting an outdoor movie night on Friday, April 12th in the school parking lot.  They will be showing the movie “Migration” starting at 8:30 pm.  It is a free event, you just need to bring your lawn chairs!

Faith at Work Service Events
Our school is joining with Lutheran congregations across the Kansas District to focus on sharing our faith through service to others. Next week our students from grades 4-8 will be working at Harvesters Food Bank and K-3rd grade will be puting together sack lunches that will be distributed by Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries.

KITE Testing
We will begin our KITE testing starting next week on Tuesday, April 16th. KITE testing is required by the state of Kansas. It is our state assessment test. It begins in third grade, so this is the first time our class will experience this format. We will spread it over 4 different days. There are 2 sections of both English/Language Arts and Math. Please make sure your student arrives on time to school, has a good breakfast, and gets plenty of sleep while we are testing.

  • Wednesday, April 17th at 10:00 – English Language Arts
  • Friday, April 19th at 9:45 – Math
  • Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:00 – English Language Arts
  • Wednesday, April 24th at 9:45 – Math

Oxford Schoolhouse 
The date is set for Friday, May 3rd! We are looking forward to our trip to the historic Oxford schoolhouse where we will get the chance to experience a living history day in a rural one-room schoolhouse as students in 1909! This has been a favorite field trip in the past as we dress in period clothing for that day. (The standard outfit of the day for boys was bib overalls, blue jeans or dungarees made of sturdy fabric with cotton, or flannel shirts. Any color shirt was appropriate other than white as it was impossible to keep white clean on an active farm boy. Girls wore dresses that fell anywhere below the knee but above the ankle. She might wear a pinafore or apron to keep her dress clean. Large hair bows were popular at the time. She usually wore black tights or stockings. Both girls and boys wore leather shoes or ankle boots.) Permission slips are in this week’s Thursday envelope.

Talent Show
We are having a talent show on April 23rd.  If your child would like to perform in the show, remember that their entry forms are due back to school by April 16th. (Forms were in last week’s Thursday envelopes.)

Spring Play 
The spring play is called The Pony Expresso and will be performed on April 18th at 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm. There will be a dinner in between the two performances.

Donuts with Dad
Bring your dad, grandpa, or uncle to Donuts with Dad on April 19th from 7:45 to 8:25 a.m. Come fellowship with other dads. 

Spelling words for April 19: (vowel patterns ei and eigh)

freight eighty eighteen weigh neighbor
height ceiling receive weight weightless

Sentence:  I hope to receive a package in the mail today.

Memory for April 17John 5:39
You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.

Our Next week:

  • Friday, 4/12
    • Dress up as your favorite book character
    • Spelling Test
    • Tri-Board sketch due (for Science Fair project)
    • Movie Night – Migration
  • Monday, 4/15
    • Chapter 5 Science Test
  • Tuesday, 4/16
    • Kansas City Symphony “Believe” by Mo Willems
    • Faith at Work Service Event
    • Talent Show entry forms due
  • Wednesday, 4/17
    • Memory
    • Begin KITE testing in the morning
    • Report draft with bibliography due (for Science Fair project)
  • Thursday, 4/18
    • Spring Play- 4:30 pm & 7:00 pm (dinner in between)
  • Friday, 4/19
    • Donuts with Dad
    • KITE testing in the morning
    • Spelling Test
    • Permission slips for Oxford Schoolhouse due

Upcoming Dates:

  • 4/15-26 – KITE testing
  • 4/23 – School Talent Show
  • 4/26 – Completed Science Fair project due
  • 5/1 – Science Fair
  • 5/2 – Class Pictures
  • 5/3 – Oxford Schoolhouse
  • 5/10 – Fine Arts Night
  • 5/12 – 3rd and 4th Choir at Church
Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...