Newsletter – April 18th

April 17, 2024

Our year is going by so quickly and we have so much to do yet. These next weeks will be busy ones!
We are learning about the development of the chicks inside the eggs. We are hoping for a hatch around the 30th.

Donuts with Dad
Bring your dad, grandpa, or uncle to Donuts with Dad on April 19th from 7:45 am to 8:25 am. Come fellowship with other dads. 

KITE Testing
We will continue our KITE testing next week. KITE testing is required by the state of Kansas. It is our state assessment test. It begins in third grade, so this is the first time our class will experience this format. We will spread it over 4 different days. There are 2 sections of both English/Language Arts and Math. Please make sure your student arrives on time to school, has a good breakfast, and gets plenty of sleep while we are testing.

  • Friday, April 19th at 9:45 – Math
  • Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:00 – English Language Arts
  • Wednesday, April 24th at 9:45 – Math

Talent Show
We are having a talent show on the afternoon of April 23rd.  Several 3rd graders will be sharing one of the talents that God has given them.

Science Fair
The Science Fair is on May 1st which is quickly approaching! The students have been working to prepare so that they will be ready to share their projects. The completed project is due on April 26th but can be brought in as soon as it is completed. That will give them extra time to practice their oral presentations. Some have had some questions about the final report details so I am including a link to the information that was sent home at the beginning of the project, but not included in their yellow notebooks. Seeing it again might be helpful.

We look forward to seeing their project at the SCIENCE Fair on May 1st.  We will have one evening where parents and family can see and hear the projects.  The students will arrive at 6:20 pm and stand by their project until 7:15 pm. From 6:30 – 7:15 pm, the students will present their projects to guests.  At 7:15 pm, the students will be dismissed to their parents, and as a family, you can walk around and see other projects. At 7:30 pm, projects will go home with the students. Students must wear uniforms.

Oxford Schoolhouse
We are looking forward to our field trip to the historic Oxford schoolhouse on May 3rd, where we will get the chance to experience a living history day in a rural one-room schoolhouse as students in 1909! This has been a favorite field trip in the past as we dress in period clothing for this day. (The standard outfit of the day for boys was bib overalls, blue jeans or dungarees made of sturdy fabric with cotton, or flannel shirts. Any color shirt was appropriate other than white as it was impossible to keep white clean on an active farm boy. Girls wore dresses that fell anywhere below the knee but above the ankle. She might wear a pinafore or apron to keep her dress clean. Large hair bows were popular at the time. She usually wore black tights or stockings. Both girls and boys wore leather shoes or ankle boots.) We will also need to bring sack lunches for this day. Again, we are encouraged to stay with the period in history so sandwiches and fruit or cheese would be appropriate.

Fine Arts Night
We are excited about the opportunity to showcase our Arts department.  Our music directors have worked with the students all year on music theory, rhythm, and voice.  During the evening, each choir will be performing.  Our bands and recorders, directed by Mrs. Eckhoff, will also perform.  Mrs. Bird’s art class projects will be displayed around the building; families will be invited to an Open House where they can enjoy the art projects done by the students. 
Students will arrive at 6:15 pm and meet their teacher in their classroom. After the music performance, students return to their classrooms; parents pick them up.  
Students in Kindergarten – 2nd grade are to wear their Sunday best.  The 3rd – 8th grade students are to wear WHITE TOPS AND BLACK BOTTOMS. 
There will be a cookie reception after the program in the commons. 
In addition, we will also have a SILENT AUCTION with the class art projects.  You can start bidding on them on April 25th.  

Spelling words for April 26:  (words with the suffix -en)

awaken given widen soften sharpen
lighten loosen brighten gladden lengthen

Sentence: May I sharpen my pencil?

Memory for April 24:  Psalm 139:14
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Our Next week:

  • Friday, 4/19
    • Spelling Test
    • KITE testing in the morning
  • Tuesday, 4/23
    • KITE testing in the morning
    • School Talent Show
  • Wednesday, 4/24
    • Memory
    • Chapel
  • Thursday, 4/25
    • KITE testing in the morning
  • Friday, 4/26
    • Completed Science Fair project due
    • Spelling Test

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/1 – Science Fair
  • 5/2 – Class Pictures
  • 5/3 – Oxford Schoolhouse
  • 5/9 – Fine Arts Night
  • 5/12 – 3rd and 4th Choir at Church
  • 5/17 – No School (Teacher Inservice)
  • 5/21 – Field Day
  • 5/23 – Last Day of School!
Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...