Newsletter – May 2nd

May 1, 2024

The students did a great job at the science fair! I am very proud of the hard work they put in for these last few months.

Our chicks have hatched! The kids were excited to watch chicks hatching on Tuesday! We have 7 fluffy little chicks that are getting lots of love from the class.

Oxford Schoolhouse
We are looking forward to our field trip to the historic Oxford schoolhouse tomorrow, May 3rd, where we will get the chance to experience a living history day in a rural one-room schoolhouse as students in 1909! Thank you to those who have signed up to drive! This has been a favorite field trip in the past as we dress in period clothing for this day. (The standard outfit of the day for boys was bib overalls, blue jeans or dungarees made of sturdy fabric with cotton, or flannel shirts. Any color shirt was appropriate other than white as it was impossible to keep white clean on an active farm boy. Girls wore dresses that fell anywhere below the knee but above the ankle. She might wear a pinafore or apron to keep her dress clean. Large hair bows were popular at the time. She usually wore black tights or stockings. Both girls and boys wore leather shoes or ankle boots.) We will also need to bring sack lunches for this day. Again, we are encouraged to stay with the period in history so sandwiches and fruit or cheese would be appropriate.

Fine Arts Night
We are excited about the opportunity to showcase our Arts department.  Our music directors have worked with the students all year on music theory, rhythm, and voice.  During the evening, each choir will be performing.  Our bands and recorders, directed by Mrs. Eckhoff, will also perform.  Mrs. Bird’s art class projects will be displayed around the building; families will be invited to an Open House where they can enjoy the art projects done by the students. 
Students will arrive at 6:15 pm and meet their teacher in their classroom. After the music performance, students return to their classrooms; parents pick them up.  
Students in Kindergarten – 2nd grade are to wear their Sunday best.  The 3rd – 8th grade students are to wear WHITE TOPS AND BLACK BOTTOMS. 
There will be a cookie reception after the program in the commons. 
In addition, we will also have a SILENT AUCTION with the class art projects.  You can start bidding on them today!



Bidding starts Thursday at 10 am 

MAP Testing
We will be taking our spring MAP tests in May. Please make sure your student arrives on time to school, has a good breakfast, and gets plenty of sleep while we are testing.

May 6th – 8:45– 10:00 – Science

May 10th – 9:30– 11:00 – Language

May 13th – 12:45 – 2:00 – Math

May 14th – 8:45 – 10:00 – Reading

Hope Track Meet
This is a big meet that Hope hosts every spring. This year it will be at the district stadium at Shawnee Mission North High School. It takes lots of people working together for this event. Even though students can’t compete in track until 4th grade, you can still volunteer to help out. There are many different jobs to fill so you don’t have to have knowledge about a certain event to be of service. You also do not need to be at the track all day. Even the kids can help by being “runners” to take results from an event up to the people who are keeping the stats! Check out the sign-up genius that was sent out to see where help is needed.

3rd4th Grade Choir
The 3rd–4th Grade Choir is singing at the 10:30 am church service on Sunday, May 12th. Students are to wear their Sunday best. We will meet in the Luther Room at 10:15. Students will sit with their families, come forward to sing, and return to their families when they have finished singing. We pray everyone can join us for Mother’s Day to hear their child sing! 

All work must be turned in by Thursday, May 16th
The grade for any missing assignments will be entered as a 0 in the grade book.

Memory for May 8: Matthew 28:19-20 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Spelling words for May 10:  


Sentence: A gallon is equal to four quarts.

Our Next week:

  • Friday, 5/3
    • Oxford Schoolhouse
    • Spelling Test
  • Monday, 5/6
    • MAP testing – Science
  • Thursday, 5/9
    • Fine Arts Night
  • Friday, 5/10
    • MAP testing – Language
  • Saturday, 5/11
    • Hope Relays
  • Sunday, 5/12
    • 3rd and 4th Choir at Church
    • Mother’s Day

Upcoming Dates:

  • 5/16 – Last day to turn in any work
  • 5/17 – No School (Teacher Inservice)
  • 5/21 – Field Day
  • 5/23 – Last Day of School!
Third Grade News, 1/16

Third Grade News, 1/16

I look forward to meeting with parents during our Parent/Teacher conferences this afternoon and evening. You will receive first-semester report cards and it will give us a chance to talk about progress and goals for this semester. It has been cold and snowy January so...

Third Grade News, 1/9

Third Grade News, 1/9

Happy Epiphany!  What a joy to focus on the greatest gift of all!  May we seek the Savior as the wise men did so many years ago. I hope that everyone has enjoyed the Christmas break and is looking forward to the blessings of this new year! Thank You!  Thank...