Month: September 2024


Third Grade News 9/5

Third Grade News 9/5

Third grade is a growing year!  We are working to develop good study habits, keeping track of assignments in our planners, turning in work on time, following written directions, and taking responsibility for our actions.  Please encourage your young...

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Third Grade News 8/29

Third Grade News 8/29

Back-to-School Night – I was glad to share with many of you at Back-to-School Night on Monday night.  If you were unable to attend in person, the information that was shared is in a handout is being sent home in this week’s Thursday envelope.  Please do...

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Third Grade News 8/21

Third Grade News 8/21

We are just one week into our year and we are beginning to settle into their new classroom procedures. I forget how tiring the first week of school can be for everyone! There are so many new expectations and exciting changes when you are starting 3rd grade! I’m...

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3rd grade News 8/15

3rd grade News 8/15

Welcome to the new school year! Our classroom is full of excitement and we are happy to see each other again! There are lots of new procedures to learn and follow. We can always know that Jesus is with us through all the “new stuff” and all of our anxious moments!Our...

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