Third Grade News, 12/5

December 4, 2024

We have had a fun and “spirit” -filled week! We had a lot of jammies and stuffed buddies on Monday, lots of teachers represented on Tuesday, clothes across the decades on Wednesday, and lots of school spirit on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing what countries will be represented on Friday. Along with Spirit Week, we have been working on the Christmas program, applying our multiplication skills in math, learning about photosynthesis in science class, talking about different countries on the continent of Asia in social studies, and what it means to be God’s children as we take time to focus on His coming during this season of Advent.

20th MBHC Tournament – Thank you to those who signed up to help with this weekend’s tournament! Remember that your children need to be here Sunday morning to sing during our 9:30 worship service. Students are to arrive at 9:20 am. Students will sit on the stage until they sing. Then they will be dismissed to sit with their families during the next hymn. Participation in this service is worth points toward your child’s choir grade. If your child cannot be there, please email Mrs. Schkade at with a note of explanation so your child receives an “excused absence” in the grade book. 

Crown Center  Hope Lutheran choirs are singing at Crown Center on Tuesday, December 17th. We ask that all students arrive at Crown Center at 5:15 pm and meet their teacher in front of the Hallmark Store, second level.  The students are to wear white tops and black bottoms.  Participation in this event is also worth points toward your child’s choir grade. If your child cannot be there, please email Mrs. Schkade at with a note of explanation so your child receives an “excused absence” in the gradebook. We look forward to sharing Jesus with the community and who Hope Lutheran School is.

Book Reports – I have been encouraging the class to read their chosen chapter books for their book reports. Many of the students are almost finished reading and are making their posters. They are due on Friday, Dec. 13. The students will present them to the class the following week.

Christmas Families  – We continue to collect for our Christmas Families.  We are helping out four families from our community.  If you can, please consider purchasing gift cards for places like HyVee, Price Chopper, Aldis, Walmart, or Target to share with these families. (Please put the value amount on the back of the card so that they can divided evenly among the families.) We are blessed to have a generous Hope family.

Advent – The season of Advent has begun. You are invited to join us at Hope Lutheran Church on Wednesdays beginning on December 11th and 18th, at 4 pm, or 7 pm.

Classroom Christmas Gift Exchange – For our class Christmas party on Dec. 20, we will gift each other silly socks that can be worn on Fridays. (Cost for the gift should not exceed $5.00)

Book-It – We are participating in the Pizza Hut Book-It Program this year. Please use the monthly reading chart provided to keep track of the number of minutes read each week.  Remember that our goal is to read for 20 minutes per day, or at least 520 minutes (about 8 1/2 hours) each month outside of the school day. Please keep track of the minutes for Book-It on the monthly calendar, which will come home in the Thursday envelope to turn in at the end of the month. All those who have met our reading goal will receive a certificate for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. The November calendar is due on or before Friday, December 6th. The December calendars were given to the class earlier this week.

Jingle Grams will be on sale December 9-13 at drop-off each morning. For just $1 you can send a Christmas card with a candy cane to friends at school. They will be delivered to classrooms by Friday, Dec. 20.

Journey to Bethlehem – Follow the Star is the title of the Christmas program this year. The students should be dressed in their “Christmas best” for the program on Thursday, Dec. 19th. The 8th grade will serve Frito Pie with Salad dinner with dessert before the Christmas program beginning at 5:00 pm so everyone can get their children to the classrooms at 6:15.  Bring your entire family and relax with your HLS family as you prepare to celebrate our Savior’s birth at the Christmas program.  A free-will offering will be accepted.  All proceeds will go toward the 2025 Washington, D.C. trip.   

Our Holiday Shop is coming soon!  
We look forward to watching the students light up as they get to experience picking gifts for their loved ones!
Coming December 12th and 13th to Hope!! This is a fundraiser helping our Eighth graders go to Washington DC!

  • Students will be able to checkout with Cash, e-gift card, or both.
  • Please pre-purchase your e-gift cards now to help us forecast and make shopping EASY for the students.
  • Our Holiday Shoppe will have gift items ranging from under $1 to $15 with most items costing $1 – $6.

Pre-purchase your e-gift card at: Cash is also welcomed. Thank you!!
Look for the information flyer in today’s Thursday envelope!

Spelling words for next week:   3.2 (abbreviations)

Sentence:  The game was the Bears vs. the Lions.

Memory work for December 11:  
Ephesians 2:8-9  For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.  

Next Week:

  • Friday, 12/6
    • Spelling Test
  • December 6-8
    • MBHC Basketball Tournament
  • Sunday, 12/8
    •  Singing at the Tournament Worship Service
  • All this week
    • Jingle Grams for sale each morning
  • Tuesday, 12/10
    • Chipotle DC Fundraiser 4-8 pm 
  • Wednesday, 12/11
    • Advent Service, 4 or 7 pm
  • Friday, 12/13
    • Spelling Test
    • Book report due
  • 12/5-12/13
    •  Gift Card Days – Bring gift cards for our Christmas family drive.

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • 12/17 – Singing at Crown Center
  • 12/18 – Hawaiian Bros Fundraiser 4-9 pm
  • 12/19 – 1-8 Grade Christmas Program
  • 12/20 – Sing-Along, Christmas Parties,11:30 pm Dismissal (NO ESC)
  • 12/21 thru 1/3 – Christmas Break – NO SCHOOL
Third Grade News, 2/20

Third Grade News, 2/20

What a lot of snowy days we have had this month! The forecast for next week is warmer weather, so maybe this last round of snow will melt quickly. Please remember that we will be going outside for recess when temperatures are in the 20s, so it is important to have the...

Third Grade news, 2/13

Third Grade news, 2/13

Valentine’s Day – Our party with be on Friday afternoon from 2:30-3:15. Valentines should be brought to school on Friday morning. (Remember that if your child is giving out valentines, everyone in the class must be included.) Students can wear a Valentine’s top...