Month: December 2024


Spelling Words for 2/11:

Spelling Words for 2/11:

 4.3  (words with -able, -ible, -ation) convertibleflexiblevisibleterriblecivilizationmovablelikableusabledependableanticipation Sentence:    The class discussed the content of the passage.

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Third Grade News, 1/23

Third Grade News, 1/23

The month of January is going by so quickly! Thank you for conferencing with me last week. We are finishing up many units of study this week! We will take our chapter 6 math test tomorrow over multiplication. Next, we will work on division. We finished our chapter on...

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Spelling Words for January 31:

Spelling Words for January 31:

 4.2   (VCCCV)  surprise pilgrim sample control subtract inspect employ athlete contrast exclaim Sentence:    We will compare and contrast the two stories.

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Third Grade News, 1/16

Third Grade News, 1/16

I look forward to meeting with parents during our Parent/Teacher conferences this afternoon and evening. You will receive first-semester report cards and it will give us a chance to talk about progress and goals for this semester. It has been cold and snowy January so...

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3rd Quarter Memory

3rd Quarter Memory

January 8 The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name,thy kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread;and forgive us our trespassesas we forgive thosewho trespass against us;and lead us not into...

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