The month of January is going by so quickly! Thank you for conferencing with me last week.
We are finishing up many units of study this week! We will take our chapter 6 math test tomorrow over multiplication. Next, we will work on division. We finished our chapter on plants in science this week and will take our test over the material on Monday. We are also finishing our study of Asia in social studies and will be taking our test over the chapter next Friday.
We are continuing our work with biographies next week with our book study on Helen Keller. So far we have read about Martin Luther King Jr., Mama Miti, and Laura Ingles Wilder. We will also be reading biographies about Jane Addams, Frederick Douglass, and Milton Hershey.
Book report – Project information and rubric for our biography book reports are in this week’s envelope. For this book report, they will be making a timeline of their person. Students have access to colored paper in the classroom to use for this project if needed. The due date is Friday, February 28. I have a number of biographies available in the classroom, but students are not limited to those. Books need to be selected by January 31. I am encouraging them to jot down important dates and events as they are reading so that they have the information for their timelines.
Open House will be available on February 6th. Parents are encouraged to come to visit your child’s classroom for next year. Open House is open to anyone interested in attending Hope next year. We look forward to seeing you and new faces too!
Spelling Words for January 31: 4.2 (VCCCV)
surprise | pilgrim | sample | control | subtract |
inspect | employ | athlete | contrast | exclaim |
Sentence: We will compare and contrast the two stories.
Memory for January 29: The First Article: Creation
What does this mean? (Part 3)
All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me. For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him.
This is most certainly true.
Next Week:
- Friday, January 24
- Weekly spelling test
- Chapter 6 math test
- Monday, January 27
- Science test – plants
- Tuesday, January 28
- Non-Uniform Day ($2 for non-uniform +$1 for hat)
- Wednesday, January 29:
- Memory and Chapel Families
- Friday, January 31:
- Spelling Test
- Social Studies test – Asia
Important Upcoming Dates:
- January 31 – Book Report Approval
- February 5 – 100th Day of School!
- Early Dismissal – Teacher Inservice
- February 6 – Midterm
- Open House
- February 14 – Valentine’s Day
- February 17 – NO SCHOOL, President’s Day
- February 26 – Geography Bee
- February 27 – KinderKonzert, Weather Ahead!
- February 28 – Book Report Due
- March 5 – Ash Wednesday
- March 7 – End of 3rd quarter, early dismissal
- March 14 – Grandparents Day
- March 17-21 – Spring Break