Third Grade News, 2/27

February 26, 2025

March 2nd is Dr. Suess’s birthday. On Monday, March 3rd, we will celebrate Read-Across-America Day and Dr. Suess’s birthday! We will get comfy, snuggle down with a stuffy, and enjoy time just reading for the joy of it. Oh, the adventures we can go on with a good book! Kids can bring a book from home or use one from our classroom. They may also bring a stuffed animal from home to snuggle during our silent reading time.

Book Reports – Some of the students have already brought their biography timeline book reports to school and are anxious to share them next week! Remember that they are due this Friday, February 28.

Mite Boxes – They are coming home in today’s envelope. Mrs. Rose came to our chapel service and told us about how our “mites” can be used to help others and spread the love and Good News of Jesus. We are encouraging all children at Hope Lutheran School to fill their MITE BOX and bring it back on March 26th for chapel.  
The best way to fill the mite box is to put your loose change from the car or have the children put in a penny a day.  Thank you for supporting the LWML. 

Ash Wednesday ChapelOn Wednesday, March 5th, the children may participate in the imposition of ashes as part of this service. If you do not want your child to participate, please let me know. The children do not have to participate if they do not wish to. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office. The chapel service will be held in the sanctuary. Parents are welcome to attend.

Student Ushers – The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues up until Easter. 3rd-4th grades have been asked to help with handing out service folders and ushering for the 4:00 Wednesday Lenten Services beginning on March 12th. This is an opportunity for the students to be involved in a way that they enjoy and can be of service to the congregation that supports our school in so many ways. Student helpers can stay with me after school, and I will accompany them to the sanctuary until after the service. Please use this Sign-Up Genius to indicate which service(s) your child could be available to serve. Your child is not expected to serve every week, but please indicate any/all weeks that it would be possible.  Lenten student usher sign-up

Tests Next Week – We finished Chapter 3 (Oceania) in social studies and will have our test next Wednesday. Students should bring home a packet of work on Friday to review for this test. On Friday, we will have our chapter 8 math test on division, our chapter 10 Language test, and our usual weekly spelling test.

Grandparent’s Day is coming up quickly! This year, we are going to do something a little different. The 2nd-grade class celebrated the 100th Day of School by dressing up as if they were 100 years old. Everyone had so much fun with it that we are going to bring those costumes back out and include the 3rd graders in the fun for Grandparent’s Day. Usually, we spend time talking about the things we do with our grandparents, but this year, we are going to pretend to BE the grandparents and share with our visitors what we would do with our future grandchildren. So, on Friday, March 14th, all the students are encouraged to dress up. Wigs, canes, trousers, granny nightgowns…whatever you can find works!

Spelling Words for March 7:  5.1  (vowel patterns au, aw, al, augh, ough)


Sentence:    We bought apples at the store today.

Memory for March 5The Third Article: Sanctification
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Next Week:

Friday, 2/28:
– Spelling test
– Book reports are due
Wednesday, 3/5:
– memory
– Ash Wednesday Chapel
– Chapter 3 Social Studies test
– Ash Wednesday Service, 4:00 and 7:00
Thursday, 3/6:
– last day to turn in assignments for 3rd Quarter
Friday, 3/7:
– All Pro Dad breakfast
– Chapter 8 Math test
– End of 3rd Quarter
– Early Dismissal

Upcoming Dates:
March 9 – Singing at the 10:30 Worship Service
March 9-14 – Celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week
March 12 – Lenten Service, 4:00 and 7:00 (ushers still needed for 4:00)
March 14 – Grandparents Day (early dismissal)
March 17-21 – Spring Break

Third Grade News, 3/6

Third Grade News, 3/6

Next week we will be celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week! We have many special things going on!See the flyer below for details! Daylight Savings Time – Remember to "spring forward" on Sunday, March 9th, and set your clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings....

Spelling Words for 3/7:  

Spelling Words for 3/7:  

5.1  (vowel patterns au, aw, al, augh, ough) faultauthorboughtsoughtdistraughtawfulfoughtsquawksprawlsnaughty Sentence:    We bought apples at the store today.