Next week we will be celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week! We have many special things going on!
See the flyer below for details!

Daylight Savings Time – Remember to “spring forward” on Sunday, March 9th, and set your clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings.
March 7 is the end of the 3rd Quarter. Our class will dismiss at 11:40 that day.
Permission slip – Please sign and return the permission slip in today’s envelope so your child can sing with us at Shawnee Gardens next Thursday!
The Book Fair is Coming to Hope from March 9 – March 14
The Book Fair will be open during the following times:
Sunday, March 9th – 9-11 am
Monday, March 10th – 8-9 am
Tuesday, March 11th – 11 – noon, 3 – 5 pm
Wednesday, March 12th – 12:00 – 3 pm
Thursday, March 13th – 8 – 9 am, 11- noon, 3 – 5 pm,
Friday, March 14th – 10 am – 1 pm – Grandparents Day
*Our class will visit the book fair on Thursday, March 13th. Students may purchase books at that time or just preview what is available. You can use the following link if you would like to set up an e-wallet for your child to use.
Biography Book Reports – The students have been presenting their timelines for the biographies they read for this quarter’s book report. They have been doing a great job and the class has been asking our presenters some good questions. We plan to finish our presentations tomorrow.
Spelling – With such a busy week coming up, we will not have a new spelling list for next week.
Memory for March 12:
The Third Article: Sanctification
What does this mean? (Part 1)
I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith.
Next Week:
Friday, 3/7:
– Spelling test
– End of 3rd Quarter
– Early dismissal
Sunday, 3/9:
– Join us at Hope in celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week
*Grades 3-7 sing at the 10:30 worship service
Monday, 3/10:
– Wear your favorite sports jersey day and bounce house
Tuesday, 3/11:
– Wear your PJs day and a movie with popcorn
Wednesday, 3/12:
– memory
– Chapel families
– Wear your best today!
– Lenten Service 4:00 or 7:00
Thursday, 3/13:
– Wear your Hawaiian shirts and pep rally
Friday, 3/14:
– Grandparents and Special Person Day!
– Wear your “old person” outfit
(otherwise wear your school uniform, but no hoodies, spirit wear, or silly socks!)
– Early Dismissal
March 17-21 – Spring Break