

Third Grade News 11/7

Third Grade News 11/7

(Veterans Day Vectors by Vecteezy) Veterans Day  – We are looking forward to showing our appreciation for veterans on Monday. This is a program for our veterans rather than parents. We encourage all veterans and those who are on active duty to attend....

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Third Grade News 10/31

Third Grade News 10/31

Happy Reformation Day! The weather is changing! Even though we have some warm sunny days mixed in, the overall temperatures are dropping this time of year. Please be sure that your child has a warm coat for recess.Outdoor Recess PolicyOn most days, students will be...

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Spelling words for November 8: 

Spelling words for November 8: 

Review of Unit 2 words totaldefendmorningalarmpopcorneyesightincludemistakearen’tdoesn’tfinishtalentexploredarknessoutsidefootballcompetetranslateI’vecouldn’t Sentence: We have learned to spell a lot of words.

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Third Grade News 10/24

Third Grade News 10/24

Report Cards –  Look for your student’s report card coming home in the Thursday envelopes this week. Report cards will be in a separate white envelope. Please sign and return the empty envelope to confirm that you have received the report card....

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Memory for Second Quarter

Memory for Second Quarter

October 23 The Seventh Commandment You shall not steal.What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income....

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