Inflected endings - inches pitches dishes glasses spies fries cities pennies families faxes Sentence: There are one hundred pennies in a dollar.
Third Grade News 8/21
We are just one week into our year and we are beginning to settle into their new classroom procedures. I forget how tiring the first week of school can be for everyone! There are so many new expectations and exciting changes when you are starting 3rd grade! I’m...
3rd grade News 8/15
Welcome to the new school year! Our classroom is full of excitement and we are happy to see each other again! There are lots of new procedures to learn and follow. We can always know that Jesus is with us through all the “new stuff” and all of our anxious moments!Our...
Spelling words for August 23:
Syllable Pattern VC/CV basket subject lesson traffic mustard compact absent cosmic disgust fantastic Sentence: I hope we have a fantastic year!
Memory for first quarter
Luther’s Morning Prayer I thank You my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger. And I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please...