

Third Grade News 10/31

Third Grade News 10/31

Happy Reformation Day! The weather is changing! Even though we have some warm sunny days mixed in, the overall temperatures are dropping this time of year. Please be sure that your child has a warm coat for recess.Outdoor Recess PolicyOn most days, students will be...

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Third Grade News 10/24

Third Grade News 10/24

Report Cards –  Look for your student’s report card coming home in the Thursday envelopes this week. Report cards will be in a separate white envelope. Please sign and return the empty envelope to confirm that you have received the report card....

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Third Grade News  10/17

Third Grade News 10/17

Tomorrow is the end of our first quarter. The pick-up time for 3rd grade is 11:40 for our early dismissal. There is no extended care available. We have only one more day to bring food items for Trick Or Treat So Others Can Eat! Thank you to those who have already...

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Third Grade News 10/10

Third Grade News 10/10

End of First Quarter – The end of the 1st quarter is on Friday, October 18th. All absent, missing, and incomplete work must be turned in by Thursday, October 17th. October 18th is also an early dismissal day. 3rd grade dismisses at 11:40. Extended care will not be...

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Third Grade News 10/3

Third Grade News 10/3

The Third Grade lead chapel for Kindergarten-2nd Grade this week. Our focus was on Hebrews 11:1-12 about heroes of faith from the Old Testament. We are thankful that our faith is kept strong and filled by the Holy Spirit! We are so glad that we can talk about Jesus...

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Third Grade news 9/26

Third Grade news 9/26

Parent/Teacher Conferences –  Thank you for conferencing with me last week. I feel very blessed to be able to share in your child’s learning and growth! Science – We will be taking our Chapter 1 science test next Wednesday covering Forces and Motion. We...

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