Little House (word list 1) trundle thimble briar ravine solemn woods bear roasted fiddle bullets Sentence: Pa played his fiddle at night.
Spelling Words for March 1:
5.1 (vowel patterns au, aw, al, augh, ough) faultauthorboughtsoughtdistraughtawfulfoughtsquawksprawlsnaughty Sentence: We bought apples at the store today.
Spelling Words for February 23:
4.5 (homophones) atecelldeardualpawseightselldeerduelpause Sentence: I have eight pencils in my desk.
Spelling Words for February 16:
4.4 (homographs) digestconsultfinancecontenttransplantminuteupsetinclineresearchconstruct Sentence: The class discussed the content of the passage.
Spelling Words for February 9:
4.3 (words with -able, -ible, -ation) convertibleflexiblevisibleterriblecivilizationmovablelikableusabledependableanticipation Sentence: The class discussed the content of the passage.
Spelling Words for February 2:
4.2 (VCCCV) surprisepilgrimsamplecontrolsubtractinspectemployathletecontrastexclaim Sentence: We will compare and contrast the two stories.