

Spelling words for January 12

Spelling words for January 12

3.5    (irregular plural nouns) wolveskniveschildrensheepheroesscarvesgeesecalvesloavesvolcanoes Sentence:    We can serve the Lord with a happy heart!

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Spelling Words for January 5:

Spelling Words for January 5:

 3.4  (vowel teams oo, ew, ue, ui, eu) balloonchoosefeudnewestrecruitrescuespookystatuesuitablethrew Sentence:  Firefighters rescue people from trouble.

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Spelling words for December 1: 

Spelling words for December 1: 

 Spelling Prefixes pre-, dis-, in-, im-, non- prepaynonstopdisagreenonfictionpreapproveindirectimperfectimpoliteinsecureincorrect Sentence:  We read a nonfiction book in class today.

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