Memory tests will be each Friday unless noted otherwise. Tests will be fill-in-the-blank. Friday, Jan. 10 - Pt. 1 Nicene Creed -I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ,...
Middle School Scoop 12/12/2024
Thank you all for your donations for the students at Stony Point Elementary. The 7th and 8th graders did a great job shopping this week for the students. The 8th graders are going to deliver the presents on Friday this week. Christmas Party Exchange: This year,...
8th Spelling 12/9 – 12/13
acrid attainments blithely canopy diluted emancipator implements tyrannical
7th Spelling 12/9 – 12/13
Pennsylvania insignia merchandise decisive encampment mutiny floundering compulsory clemency scaffold
7th Memory
7th Grade memory is now Christmas program lines or song lyrics. Each student was given a sheet that has what they need to do for memory for 11/22, 12/6, and 12/13.
Middle School Scoop 11/21/2024
DONATIONS FOR STONY POINT NORTH ELEMENTARYThe 7th/8th-grade students have the opportunity to provide a Christmas celebration for physically and developmentally disabled students attending Stony Point North Elementary School in KCK. Many of these students are in foster...