5th Grade News Weeks of 11/25-12/6

November 20, 2024

Missing Assignment Policy:

“missing” assignment is any assignment (homework, in-class work, or project) that has not been turned in when asked for by the teacher on the due date.  Missing assignments do not include missing work from a student who had an excused absence, as they receive 2 extra days per day they were absent in order to complete work they missed.

All missing assignments will receive a 10% deduction for each day it is missing, with a maximum late work deduction of 50%. After 2 weeks of missing, the assignment will receive 0% in RenWeb. Keep in mind that RenWeb treats assignments entered as missing as a zero, so they drastically hurt the student’s overall grade. 

Parents will be contacted by RenWeb when their child receives an “M”. Students will also receive a print out of any missing assignments listed from RenWeb on Thursdays, to go home in their envelopes.

If a student accrues multiple missing assignments from all their classes collectively, he/she will be removed from specials and electives and/or may be asked to stay for mandatory study hall until the work is completed and turned in. The importance of students completing their assignments at Hope is a priority over other extracurricular activities, both athletic as well as non-athletic. We value teaching our students to care about their academics and encourage them to strive to reach their full potential so that they will soar when they leave for high school and beyond!

Math: We are diving in to Number Theory & Fractions. Our multiplication and division skills are helping us to find Greatest Common Factors, Least Common Multiples, and Equivalent Fractions. We will prepare for the test on Monday, and Test our skills on Tuesday before leaving for Thanksgiving break. Please, feel free to have your child work on their math facts at home on 99math.com!

Reading: We started the novel, The Angel Tree, which is a Christmas mystery book about a group of children on a mission to find out who is granting wishes tied to the Angel Tree in town. Our characters include Lucy, whose seeing eye dog is ill, Max, whose home burnt down, Joe, who is new to town, and Cami, the instigator of solving the mystery. We cannot wait to find out the mystery of who is granting all the wishes to the townspeople of Pine River!

Writing: We finished up our Natural Disasters paper presentations this week, and we focused on good skills to think about when reading our written projects to an audience. We will continue working on these skills through the year as we present our writing pieces in our classroom. We are starting our second piece of informational writing by researching a topic we are interested in. We will present these papers after Thanksgiving break.

Social Studies: We began learning about the Northeast (New England States). Each section will give us a good overview of the states within this region. This chapter will give us an overview including the history, important people, the environment, important places, the economy, and the culture of the Northeast states. Those states include: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

After Thanksgiving break, we will test our knowledge on the states in this region and their capitals. Below is the exact resource I will be using. The maps will be labeled with a number, and the students will write the State and Capital that matches the location on the map. It would be a great resource to print for studying and preparing for the test for each region. When we move on to the next region, we will start with a pretest, and if a student gets 100% on the pretest, then they will not be required to take the final test at the end of the region’s unit. For example, we will do the Northeast region pretest Dec. 2, and the final test for the Northeast region will be in early January.

Technology: We are using a programming and coding unit called microbits. The students are problem solving how to put the correct combination of code for the device to do various things, such as counting steps, showing a beating heart, and revealing a message. We are excited to learn more about microbits this quarter!

Christmas Program: Your child was assigned a speaking portion for the Christmas portion, and should start memorizing their lines now. Their lines will be memory work in the near future. Our class has the privilege of introducing the program and setting the scene.

Save the Date:

Dec. 17th is singing at Crown Center Plaza at 5:30pm

Dec. 19th is the school Christmas Program at 6:30pm

Memory Week of 3/10-3/14

Memory Week of 3/10-3/14

Due Tuesday: The Sixth Petition pg. 22 “And lead us not into temptation. What does this mean? God tempts no one. We pray in this petition that God would guard and keep us so that the devil, the world,” Due Friday: None- Happy NLSW!

Newsletter Week of 3/10-3/14

Newsletter Week of 3/10-3/14

BOOK FAIR WILL BE OPEN DURING THE FOLLOWING TIMES Sunday, March 9th- 9-11 amMonday, March 10th - 8-9 am 5th Grade visits 9:30-10:00amTuesday, March 11th - 11 - noon, 4 - 5 pmWednesday, March 12th - 3-4pmThursday, March 13th- 12-3pmFriday,...