Chapter 11 tests have been graded and will be returned in their Thursday envelopes. Make sure to save old tests for the semester final in May. We will begin chapter 12 next week but before we begin this, we will dissect the worm. This will be the first of three different dissections. Dissections are a great way to see the insides of organisms and compare their structure and function to ours. Worms are a fairly simple creature yet uniquely created by God. Students will be able to see their digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems along with many others. I know that several students are concerned with their ability to perform the dissections, but they will be encourage to do as much as they are capable of doing. I am sure they will come home with something to say about their experience.
Life Science
We are continuing to study the different systems of organisms. This chapter we have focused on the skeletal or structural system, circulatory/respiratory systems and the excretory system. We have found that they are quite different among the different type of...