Earth Science

February 26, 2025

Greetings — due to our 6th grade shadow day where the 6th graders got to shadow with a 7th grader for a couple of hours, we are a day behind where I thought we would be. We will review on Thursday for our test on Earth dynamics which has been moved to Monday. On Tuesday, we will begin our new chapter on volcanoes and earthquakes. Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful springlike weather.

Earth Science

Earth Science

Well, another week has gone by and we had another snow day. I have moved our scheduled test back one day due to the canceled day of school. We will finish chapter 8 on Thursday this week when we cover how the continents are built up. Lesson 4 worksheets will be due on...

Earth Science

Earth Science

This week we began our new chapter on how Earth changes and why. We will be investigating different types of stress and strain on the crust and how this creates different landforms. We will also be related each type of stress to a particular type of plate boundary.