Summer Reading Assignment

May 22, 2024

It’s been a great year of learning in 6th grade! Keep learning this summer while you read your assigned books and write the summaries. The plot diagram included with incoming 6th grade list could be helpful for incoming 7th graders, too! God bless you all.

Joy in Jesus,

Mrs. Schkade

Click here for the reading list:

6th News, 2/20

6th News, 2/20

*2 Bibliography cards and 8 notecards for the Egypt research paper are due on Friday. Please encourage your child to keep going with the research at home. Very little class time is set aside for this. *Students are getting lax on turning in completed work on time....

6th News, Feb. 13

6th News, Feb. 13

I hope all the kids enjoyed the snow day on Wednesday. We pray for those who have the flu or other maladies. Please practice healthy habits to try to ward off the germs going around! Our library trip tomorrow starts at 12:30. Students should be coming home with books...