4-6 Weekly School Scoop

October 9, 2024


     This week’s chapel was led by Pastor Grams from the LCMS KS District office. He read from Matthew 9 about Jesus teaching, proclaiming forgiveness, and healing because he had compassion for the crowds. Pastor spoke about our various vocations. We serve God and others by being a son or daughter, sibling, student, teacher, parent, etc. There are also specific church work vocations that are available for kids to consider as they ponder their jobs for the future. Church work positions can include teaching, being a pastor, church music ministry, directors of family life ministry or Christian education, missionaries, and church camp directors.  
    “And [Jesus] said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2

Please add to your class’s auction basket. Check with your room moms for more information. 

Several students and teachers have recently been out sick or are coming to school with runny noses, coughs, and sneezes. Please remind your child to be diligent about drinking water, washing hands, coughing into the sleeve, and giving personal space. Also, please monitor sleep and exercise habits to build up immunity.

We’re having a food drive! Collected items will be donated to Shawnee Community Services. Please send canned fruits and veggies, rice, pasta, peanut butter, etc. from October 11-18.

Verse to remember: Phil 4:8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Coming up:
Oct. 14-15 No School – teacher conference
Oct. 14-18  Food collection for Shawnee Mission Services
Oct. 18 Early dismissal – end of Quarter I (no extended care)
Oct. 25 Trunk or Treat
Oct. 27 Choir: 3rd-5th Grade Sing
Nov. 11 Veterans Day breakfast and K-8 program, 8:30 AM in Concord Hall

4-6 School Scoop 1/23/25

4-6 School Scoop 1/23/25

Chapel- Mr. McCarthy led a chapel service based on I Corinthians 12, which discusses all different kinds of gifts, service opportunities, and activities God gives us through His Spirit. There are many vocation options for us in the world, and God leads us to have...

4th-6th School Scoop

4th-6th School Scoop

1/9/25 Welcome back to school! Mr. Kirsch, the principal at Lutheran High School, led our chapel with a reading from John 1:19-23. John the Baptist publicly declared that he was not the Christ. He pointed the way to Christ, who is our light. Although we may sometimes...