Memory for Week of October 21-25

October 16, 2024

Oct. 18
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;    all those who practice it have a good understanding.    His praise endures forever!  Psalm 111:10            

October 22
The Ninth Commandment: You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, or get it in a way which only appears right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it.

October 25

*The Tenth Commandment  You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not entice or force away our neighbor’s wife, workers, or animals, or turn them against him, but urge them to stay and do their duty.

6th News 1/16/25

6th News 1/16/25

A big project that sixth graders will be working on is the third quarter book report. Each student will be reading Where the Red Fern Grows and making journal entries for each chapter. A list of the due dates has been inserted into their journals, and those dates...

Memory for Week of January 20

Memory for Week of January 20

January 17 No memory - No school! January 21 … then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:7 January 24*So God created man in his own image, in the image of...