Chapel: Pastor Mueller led us with a Psalm and the Biblical account of Jesus’s transfiguration. As Jesus stood in all His glory on the mountain, a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him.” Pastor invited kids to come up and act out some...

6th News, 2/20
*2 Bibliography cards and 8 notecards for the Egypt research paper are due on Friday. Please encourage your child to keep going with the research at home. Very little class time is set aside for this. *Students are getting lax on turning in completed work on time....
Memory for Week of Feb. 24
Feb. 21*How is God’s name kept holy? God’s name is kept holy when the Word of God is taught in its truth and purity, and we, as the children of God, also lead holy lives according to it. Help us to do this, dear Father in heaven! But anyone who teaches or lives...
Spelling for Week of Feb. 24
Lesson 12 Abandon Adversary Baffle Blunder Colossal Detect Haul Overpower Rejoice Scoff Sentinel Siege Sinister Victor Woe
6th News, Feb. 13
I hope all the kids enjoyed the snow day on Wednesday. We pray for those who have the flu or other maladies. Please practice healthy habits to try to ward off the germs going around! Our library trip tomorrow starts at 12:30. Students should be coming home with books...
Spelling for Week of Feb. 17
Lesson 11 words will be tested on Friday, Feb. 21. Abbreviate Appropriate Exclude Fanciful Futile Grudge Inspire Majority Persevere Possess Prejudice Resolute Sneer Unanimous Unruly