4-6 School Scoop

February 26, 2025

Chapel: Pastor Mueller led us with a Psalm and the Biblical account of Jesus’s transfiguration. As Jesus stood in all His glory on the mountain, a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him.” Pastor invited kids to come up and act out some Bible narratives, such as the healing of the lame man, Mary annointing Him and weeping at His feet, and Jesus talking to the thief on the cross. Each time, He proclaimed forgiveness. We should also listen to Him as He proclaims forgiveness to us! We rejoice in His mercy!

As part of the Ash Wednesday chapel service on March 5th, the children may participate in the imposition of ashes.  If you do not want your child to participate, please let his/her teacher know.  The children do not have to participate if they do not wish to.  If you have any questions, please get in touch with the school office. Chapel service will be held in the sanctuary at 8:40 am. Parents are welcome to attend.

Geography Bee: Congratulations to Zachariah Schmidt and Lila Thrasher for being our first and second place contestants in this year’s Geography Bee!

Grandparents Day: We look forward to sharing presentations, food, and crafts with our grandparents on March 14. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open, too! We have an early dismissal that day.

Book Fair: Students who wish to purchase their own books will have an opportunity to shop at the fair. They can bring their money on Monday, March 10, and will have a scheduled time that week to visit the fair with their class.

National Lutheran School Week, March 9-14: Please read the Hope Happenings for all the fun dress days and special activities that have been planned for our celebration.

Verse to Remember: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:1-3

Coming Up:

March 7  End of 3rd Quarter, Early Dismissal
March 9  Daylight Savings Time
              All choirs sing at Hope
              1st-2nd choir and 3rd-5th choir will sing at the 8:00 service.
    6th-7th choir and band will provide music at the 10:30 service.
March 9-14 National Lutheran Schools Week
March 14  Grandparents Day with Early Dismissal
March 17-21 Spring Break

4-6 School Scoop 1/23/25

4-6 School Scoop 1/23/25

Chapel- Mr. McCarthy led a chapel service based on I Corinthians 12, which discusses all different kinds of gifts, service opportunities, and activities God gives us through His Spirit. There are many vocation options for us in the world, and God leads us to have...

4th-6th School Scoop

4th-6th School Scoop

1/9/25 Welcome back to school! Mr. Kirsch, the principal at Lutheran High School, led our chapel with a reading from John 1:19-23. John the Baptist publicly declared that he was not the Christ. He pointed the way to Christ, who is our light. Although we may sometimes...