Thanks to all the parents who signed up to drive on Feb. 7 for our field trip. We have enough drivers now!
Another permission slip is in the Thursday envelope this week. Full-time middle school students (6th-8th) will go to the Central Resource Library on Feb. 14 from 12:30-3:30 to research our International Fair topics. We will need drivers for this one also. Drivers don’t necessarily need to stay, so please sign up even if you only drop us off and pick us up later.
Valentine Grams will be for sale soon! Since 6th-8th graders don’t have Valentine parties, this is a way to give Valentine cards and a piece of candy to friends, siblings, and staff members. They cost $1 each.
Thank you, parents, for the timely emails you’ve sent when your child is sick, absent, or has appointments that affect their schedule here. You’ve been doing a great job of keeping Mrs. Adams and me in the loop!