

6th News

6th News

Thank you, parents, for coming to parent teacher conferences and for filling out the survey on the computer. Timber Ridge Field Trip: Tuesday, Sept. 24 Drivers and homeschool students, please be here by 8:30 AM. All students must wear their PE uniforms and bring...

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6th News

6th News

This year, Miss Ernstmeyer and I will be taking a technology training course called TEC21. I will be attending the first session today (9/12) and then one Thursday most months this school year. I look forward to being able to serve my students better with the skills I...

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6th grade News

6th grade News

Click here to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences:

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6th grade news

Chromebooks need to be charged every night and come to school every day. Please remind your 6th grader that snacks should be "healthy." No potato chips, cake, cookies, or candy should be counted as a snack. Thanks to those who returned the Timber Ridge 2-page...

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6th Grade News

6th Grade News

PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Students need their PE uniforms on these days. Soccer and volleyball players also need PE uniforms for practices. The Thursday envelope has a permission slip for our 6th - 8th grade field trip to Timber Ridge on September 24. Parents,...

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6th Grade News

6th Grade News

We're off to a good start! We are jumping into our full class schedule as of today (Thursday). 6th graders will start dressing out for PE on Wednesday, but those in volleyball and soccer need their PE uniforms and deodorant before then for their practices. Thursday...

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