We will test over chapter 1-4 words from our novel as soon as we finish chapter 4. The next list covers chapters 5-8: Star of David Holstered Pose Imprinted Suspicious Tentatively Tidier Haze Relocate Military arrest
Spellings tests are on Fridays unless otherwise noted.
Spelling for Week of October 28-November 1
We will practice these words but will not test this week. Lanky Halte Nazi Occupation Sabotage Rationed Kroner Swastika Sarcastically Disdainfully Synagogue
Spelling for Week of October 21-25
These words are in the novel, Number the Stars, which we will be begin reading during this week. Since the words are scattered throughout the first four chapters, we may not have a test on them until we are done or almost done reading chapter 4. Watch the assignment...
Spelling for Week of October 14
Due to the short week, there will be no spelling lesson.
Spelling for Week of October 7
Brawl Casual Constant Excel Exhaust Hardy Mediocre Monotonous Originate Punctuate Ravenous Realistic Soothe Stampede Veteran
Spelling for Week of September 30
Apparel Appreciate Continuous Dissolve Domesticate Emerge Fiber Function Hatch Inhibit Minute Motion Sheathe Shed Transfer