Welcome to Miss Ernstmeyer’s Classroom

Elementary School Teacher, 2nd Grade

Current News & Assignments

Second Grade News 3/27
Week at a GlanceIn Math, we are doing a mini-unit on arrays so that we can get ready for third-grade multiplication! Our corn has been so interesting to track and we have had lots of great class conversations about why some have grown more than others. In Science, we...
K-3 Scoop
Dates to put on your calendar:April 6 Celebrate the Arts @ LuHiApril 18 Good Friday - NO SCHOOLApril 21 Easter Monday - NO SCHOOLApril 25 Snow Make-Up Day - School is in session Other Notes: During the fourth quarter, our offerings will go to Lead-A-Child. You can...
Spelling Words for 4/4
Charlotte's Web Week Two: moralsconsciencetroughmorselsheepgoslingspinslopssalutationsgandergoosedetestedgluttonsummernews