Spelling Words for 8/23

August 11, 2024

Short vowel sounds:

  1. six
  2. tag
  3. rib
  4. map
  5. sad
  6. mess
  7. dot
  8. mud
  9. hen
  10. hot

Challenge Words:

  1. backyard
  2. treehouse
  3. searchlights
  4. daylight

Second Grade News 12/19

I pray that all of you have a restful and relaxing break, celebrating the birth of our Savior! Our Reading Logs over Christmas Break will be similar to the Thanksgiving Break Reading Logs. On Monday, they came home with a gingerbread sheet colored blue. For each book...

Spelling Words for 1/10

VCV pattern words clevercometdrivenlemonplanetproperrapidrivershivertropic Challenge Words:allowedchallengedeterminedrefusedaccept