Second Grade News 8/22

August 21, 2024

Week at a Glance
We’ve had a great first week at school! The excitement for learning is coming to life inside our classroom walls. We are moving quickly through our first unit of math and will have a test on place value and number comparison in two weeks. In Science, we are talking about how scientists ask questions and find the answers. In Social Studies we are learning about what makes up a community and how it changes over time. In Reading, we are starting some small groups to review some of the reading skills we already know. In Religion, we are talking about the Flood and God’s promise to us. As a reminder, you will still be able to follow our lessons on RenWeb and that is something I will review on Back to School Night. The Second Grade Back to School Night is Monday, August 26th from 6:30-8:00pm. That is where I will go into more detail about my classroom policy and procedures.

Week One Spelling Words Long Vowel Sounds
Memory Hebrews 12:2

Reading Logs:
On Monday I will send your child home with a reading log. My first quarter expectation is that they are reading 75 minutes per week. This turns out to be 15 minutes, 5 nights a week. In class, we have talked about how to pick out a book that is a good fit for them. Something that is interesting, but something that also matches their reading level. Please encourage your child to spend time reading or even take the time to sit and read with them! These reading logs will be a grade each week, so please keep track of them and send them back to school the following Monday. The first one is due back on 8/26.

Other Notes

  • Make sure to practice spelling and memory throughout the week. We spend a lot of time reviewing in class, but every minute at home counts too!
  • We are a nut-free classroom, so please avoid sending snacks with any kinds of nuts. Thank you!
  • We will be doing our MAPS testing in the next two weeks, so make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and a nutritious breakfast to set them up for success!

Second Grade News 2/20

Week at a Glance In Math, we are working on subtracting three-digit numbers. In Science, we are taking a test on all the ways the earth changes. In Social Studies, we are diving into our research about South Africa. In Reading, we are comparing different versions of...

Spelling Words for 2/28

VCCCV Pattern words distractaddressconcreteostrichcomplainpumpkinhundredexplainmonsterimprove Challenge Words:lavaconstructioncinderscraterdetour