Second Grade News 9/19

September 18, 2024

Week at a Glance
This upcoming week in Math we are wrapping up our addition unit and will take a test. In Science, we will have a day each week to work with our robots, everyone is so excited to learn these new skills! We are also starting a unit on Matter. In Social Studies, we wrapping up our unit on community and taking a test over what we learned. In Reading, we are reviewing the reading skills we have talked about so far this year and diving into our reading groups.

Spelling List Week 5 – Word Endings
The Third Commandment
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
The Fourth Commandment
Honor your father and mother.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Check your times here
See you all this afternoon or tomorrow morning!

Field Trip!
All students will need a booster seat for that Field Trip so please send them to school with one on September 27th. We will be eating lunch back at school, so you don’t need to worry about changing up your routine. Parent drivers: I will send out an email today with car assignments, so be on the lookout for that!

Other Notes

  • Make sure to practice spelling and memory throughout the week. We spend a lot of time reviewing in class, but every minute at home counts too!
  • Keep filling out those reading logs and add up the minutes.
  • We are a nut-free classroom, so please avoid sending snacks with any kinds of nuts. Thank you!
  • Please keep working on tying shoes at home. We only have a few minutes to change shoes for PE and we need to be quick and efficient.

Second Grade News 2/20

Week at a Glance In Math, we are working on subtracting three-digit numbers. In Science, we are taking a test on all the ways the earth changes. In Social Studies, we are diving into our research about South Africa. In Reading, we are comparing different versions of...

Spelling Words for 2/28

VCCCV Pattern words distractaddressconcreteostrichcomplainpumpkinhundredexplainmonsterimprove Challenge Words:lavaconstructioncinderscraterdetour