er, ir, ur words ferntermchirpfirstcurbburnperkybirthdayalertperfect Challenge Words:crossdreadfulprintedsobbed
K-3 Scoop
Dates to put on your calendar: November 20 Spelling Bee November 21 Picture Retakes November 27 – 29 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL Other Notes: Make sure to practice spelling and memory throughout the week. Please send your child with chapel offerings every Wednesday....
Second Grade News 11/14
Week at a GlanceIn Math, we are starting a unit on subtracting two-digit numbers. In Science, we are talking about food chains and habitats. In Social Studies, we are wrapping up our unit about government and will be taking a test. In Reading, we are studying the...
Spelling Words for 11/22
Word endings: meanmeanestricherbusybusiestmeanerrichrichestbusierhottest Challenge Wordsadmirationexhaustedmedicinesmessengermoccasins
Second Grade News 11/7
Week at a GlanceIn Math, we rocked this unit on double-digit addition and will be taking a test next Friday! In Science, we are talking about all the different kinds of animals that God created. In Social Studies, we are learning about what it means to be a good...
K-3 Scoop
Dates to put on your calendar: November 9 PAHS Auction November 11 Veterans Day Presentation @ 8:30 am This program is for Veterans only. Parents will be able to see students perform at Christmas programs soon! November 20 Spelling Bee November 21 Picture Retakes...