Second Grade News 10/10

October 9, 2024

Week at a Glance
We have a short week ahead! Remember there is no school on Monday or Tuesday and an 11:30 dismissal on Friday. We are working through our subtraction unit in math. Please continue to encourage your child to practice those subtraction facts at home on 99math. In Science, we are studying how matter changes. In Social Studies, we are talking about the National Government. In Reading, we are crafting stories about our favorite fall activities. In Religion, we are talking about the Golden Calf and how the Israelites wandered the wilderness.

There will be no spelling or memory this week due to the short week.

Field Trip
Thank you for getting the permission slips returned. I will be emailing all those who volunteered to drive, so be on the lookout for more information soon!

Other Notes

  • Keep filling out those reading logs and add up the minutes. Anything read on EPIC can count toward those reading logs.

Second Grade News 1/16

Week at a Glance In Math, we are continuing to work through our unit on place value to 1,000. In Science, we starting a unit on Earth and its materials. In Social Studies, we are talking about goods and services. In Reading, we are reading about the Garden of...

Spelling Words for 1/24

Suffixes: cheerfulfearlesshelperhelpfulquicklysailorteacherusefulvisitorweekly Challenge Words:droopedfadedinhaledmuralplot