Second Grade News 10/17

October 17, 2024

Week at a Glance
We are wrapping up our unit on subtraction in math and will take a test this upcoming week. Please continue to encourage your child to practice those subtraction facts at home on 99math. In Science, we are reviewing what we have learned about matter and will be taking a test at the end of the week. In Social Studies, we are talking about state and local governments. In Reading, we are reading stories about apples in preparation for our upcoming field trip. In Religion, we are talking about the Tabernacle and will be creating our own mini-models. We just wrapped up the Ten Commandments and worked hard to make our own tablets with the Commandments on them. Check those out in Thursday Folders this week!

Spelling List  Unit 8 – ie words
The Close of the Commandments
What does God say about all of these commandments? He says: “I the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” Exodus 20:5-6

Field Trip
All students will need a booster seat for that Field Trip so please send them to school with one on November 1st. We will be eating lunch at the farm, so please plan ahead to send a lunch along as well. Parent drivers: I will send out an email next week with car assignments, so be on the lookout for that!

Other Notes

  • Make sure to practice spelling and memory throughout the week. We spend a lot of time reviewing in class, but every minute at home counts too!
  • Keep filling out those reading logs and add up the minutes. Anything read on EPIC can count toward those reading logs.

Second Grade News 2/20

Week at a Glance In Math, we are working on subtracting three-digit numbers. In Science, we are taking a test on all the ways the earth changes. In Social Studies, we are diving into our research about South Africa. In Reading, we are comparing different versions of...

Spelling Words for 2/28

VCCCV Pattern words distractaddressconcreteostrichcomplainpumpkinhundredexplainmonsterimprove Challenge Words:lavaconstructioncinderscraterdetour