Second Grade News 11/21

November 20, 2024

Week at a Glance 11/25-11/26
We are spending Monday and Tuesday studying all things Thanksgiving! On Monday we will be working on disguising a turkey to save him from the Thanksgiving meal. If your child has some supplies they would like to bring in to help with this disguise they may do so. I have some materials for them to use here as school, but I know it is always fun for them to bring in their own ideas.

Reading Log
Over break, your child’s reading log will be a turkey sheet I hand out on Tuesday. For each book that is read, color in a turkey. The student who has the most turkeys colored will have the chance to earn a prize when we come back from break!

Week at a Glance 12/2-12/6
In Math, we are working through our unit on subtracting two-digit numbers. In Science, we are wrapping up this unit and working on a habitat project to show what we have learned. In Social Studies, we are spending time talking about Christmas and the different traditions held across the world. In Reading, we are starting a novel study on Flat Stanley’s Christmas Adventures. In Religion, we are talking about the lineage of Jesus.

Spelling List  Unit 13 – er, ir, ur words (test is on December 6th)
Psalm 26:8
O Lord, I love the habitation of your house and the place where your glory dwells.

Other Notes

  • Make sure to practice spelling and memory throughout the week. We spend a lot of time reviewing in class, but every minute at home counts too!
  • It’s that time of year where sickness starts to spread and we are running low on Clorox wipes. If you have any extra at home or are willing to go out and buy some for the classroom, your donations would be much appreciated!

Second Grade News 2/20

Week at a Glance In Math, we are working on subtracting three-digit numbers. In Science, we are taking a test on all the ways the earth changes. In Social Studies, we are diving into our research about South Africa. In Reading, we are comparing different versions of...

Spelling Words for 2/28

VCCCV Pattern words distractaddressconcreteostrichcomplainpumpkinhundredexplainmonsterimprove Challenge Words:lavaconstructioncinderscraterdetour