Kindergarten Scoop

August 13, 2024

Welcome Back!

On Wednesday, parents are allowed to come in with their child to take pictures, drop off supplies and send them off for a successful first day. You are welcome to stay for chapel on Wednesday. All other days, I will be waiting outside at drop off/pick up for the next 2 weeks to collect the students and help them find their rides at the end of the day.

Very important meeting: It is very important that all parents attend the “Back to school Night” on August 22nd at 6:30. You will receive very important information about the kindergarten school year. This is also a great time to ask questions. See you all there!

Kindergarten news 12/19-1/9

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Christmas holiday with family and friends. In the classroom: Welcome back! Let's get ready for more learning and fun in kindergarten! Weekly Bible verse:" Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:9 Religion:...

KIndergarten news 12/12

In the classroom: Religion: Christ is born Weekly Bible verse: "Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good." Psalm 106:1 Lions' Quest: Unit 2-lesson 1-Personal developement Reading: My View Literacy: Unit 5-Foundaitonal Skills Math: Sadler math-Chapter...