Kindergarten News 9/19

September 18, 2024

In the classroom:

Religion: Joseph interprets dreams

Weekly Bible verse:” Every knee will bow before me.” Romans 14:11

Reading: word families, sight words, did, see, you, to, and. Writing upper and lower case letters

Math: writing numbers 0-5, counting objects, number words, color words.

Social Studies/Science: Fall

Sight words: I will be sending home a packet of sight words to use at home for practice. Remind your child that these are for learning and they must be kept in their pouch when they are not in use.

Parent/teacher conferences: I look forward to speaking with each of you during conferences. Bring any questions or concerns you might have.

Kindergarten News 3/6

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Whatever is true, noble, right true, lovely, admirable, if anything is praiseworthy think about such things." Philippians 4:8 Religion: Hezekiah, The exiles return Lion's Quest: Unit 2.8-lesson-I can handle my ups and downs...

Kndergarten News 2/27

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master." John 13:16 Religion: Jesus' "I am" statements Reading: My View Literacy-unit 7-blending, simple text, sight words, ending marks, writing rules Math: Sadlier...