In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Whatever is true, noble, right true, lovely, admirable, if anything is praiseworthy think about such things." Philippians 4:8 Religion: Hezekiah, The exiles return Lion's Quest: Unit 2.8-lesson-I can handle my ups and downs...

Kndergarten News 2/27
In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master." John 13:16 Religion: Jesus' "I am" statements Reading: My View Literacy-unit 7-blending, simple text, sight words, ending marks, writing rules Math: Sadlier...
Kindergarten News 2/20
In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it." Proverbs 16:22 Religion: Jesus heals a a man who is deaf. Lion's Quest: Unit 2.7-lesson-I can be ok Reading: My View Literacy- Unit 6-sight words, simple text, writing...
KIndergarten News 2/13
In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse:" Whatever is true, noble ,right true, lovely, admirable, if anything is praiseworthy think about such things." Philippians 4:8 Religion: Jesus heals the sick Lion's Quest: Unit 2.7-lesson: I can keep my cool Reading: My View...
Kindergarten News 2/6
In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master." John 13:16 Religion: Jesus continues to preach Lion's Quest: Unit 2-Lesson 2.7- I can keep my cool. Reading: My View Literacy: Blending, three letter words, simple...
Kindergarten News 1/30
In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Understanding is the fountain of life to one who has it'" Proverbs 16:22 Religion: Jesus makes more miracles Lion' Quest: Unit 2-lesson 2.7-I can keep my cool Reading: My View Literacy: Beginning middle and ending sounds, writing...