Kindergarten News 10/10

October 9, 2024

In the classroom:

Religion: The Jordan River

Weekly Bible verse: “Hear o Israel, the Lord our God. The Lord is one.” Deuteronomy 6:4

Reading: small groups, vowels, beginning sounds, identify upper/lowercase letters, sight words

Writing: writing uppercase/ lowercase letters, writing names

Math: number 6-10, 2 D shapes, color words, counting objects, sorting

Social Studies: Community helper

Science: on the farm

Kerby Farm Pumpkin Patch: Please make sure that you arrive no later than 8:30, so that we can leave at 8:40. Dress your child according to the weather (non-uniform). Bring a sack lunch for yourself and your child. Everything needs to be easily disposed of at the farm. Parents must pay $6.00 at the gate. Only the students will get a pumpkin at the end pf the field trip. Thank you so much for being a part of your child’s special day.

KInergarten News 1/16

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse; 'Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness." Matthew 6:33 Religion: Jesus and his disciples Lion's Quest: Unit 2-Lesson 2.3- The many things we can do Reading-My View Literacy-sight words, reading simple text, writing...

KIndergarten news 1/9

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 Religion: John the Baptist Lion's Quest: Unit 2-Lesson 2.3-The many things we can do Reading: My View Literacy unit 6-sight words, reading simple text, learning...