Kindergaten News 11/7

November 6, 2024

In the classroom:

Weekly Bible verse: ” Let us love one another for love comes from God.” 1 John 4:7

Religion: Solomon’s wisdom

Lion’s Quest: Unit 2-lesson 2.1-Personal development

Reading: My view Literacy: unit 2 middle sounds, sight words

Math: Chapter 5-Count and compare numbers 0-10

Social Studies: USA map

Science: Turkeys

Correction!!!: Kindergarten will NOT sing at the Sunday church service on November 10th. They will NOT be singing.

Kindergarten news 12/19-1/9

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Christmas holiday with family and friends. In the classroom: Welcome back! Let's get ready for more learning and fun in kindergarten! Weekly Bible verse:" Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:9 Religion:...

KIndergarten news 12/12

In the classroom: Religion: Christ is born Weekly Bible verse: "Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good." Psalm 106:1 Lions' Quest: Unit 2-lesson 1-Personal developement Reading: My View Literacy: Unit 5-Foundaitonal Skills Math: Sadler math-Chapter...