Kindergarten News 11/21

November 21, 2024

In the classroom:

Next week, we only have two days in class. We will review all skills in reading and in math. We will be doing lots of thanksgiving activities.

Religion: Three men in a fiery furnace

Weekly Bible verse: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can imagine what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Lion’s Quest: Unit 2-Lesson one-Personal development

Reading: My View Literacy- unit 4-sound parts, foundational skills

Math: Sadler Math- Chapter 6-2 D shapes

Social Studies: Abeka: Our world

Science: Winter

Christmas Program: Our Christmas program will be on December 11th. It will begin at 10:30. After the conclusion of the program ALL kindergarten students are free to go home with parents. So you have time to plan a fun and exciting celebration for all their hard work. I will be sending out more information as we get closer to the date.

Snacks: Starting December 2nd, you will no longer need to provide a daily snack for your kindergarten student. Snacks will be provided in the classroom. If your child does extended care, they will need a snack. Water bottles are still required for each child.

Sending blessings to all families as they prepare to travel and enjoy the holiday season.


Kindergarten news 12/19-1/9

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Christmas holiday with family and friends. In the classroom: Welcome back! Let's get ready for more learning and fun in kindergarten! Weekly Bible verse:" Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:9 Religion:...

KIndergarten news 12/12

In the classroom: Religion: Christ is born Weekly Bible verse: "Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good." Psalm 106:1 Lions' Quest: Unit 2-lesson 1-Personal developement Reading: My View Literacy: Unit 5-Foundaitonal Skills Math: Sadler math-Chapter...