Kindergarten news 12/19-1/9

December 18, 2024

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed Christmas holiday with family and friends.

In the classroom:

Welcome back! Let’s get ready for more learning and fun in kindergarten!

Weekly Bible verse:” Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:9

Religion: Preparing for the birth of John the Baptist

Lion’s Quest: Unit 2- lesson 2.1-I am Special

Reading: My View Literacy-Unit 5-Foundational skills- Reading simple text, learning the mechanics of writing

Math: Sadlier Math-Chapter 7-Three dimensional shapes

Social Studies: Mexico

Science: Dinosaurs

Kindergarten News 3/6

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Whatever is true, noble, right true, lovely, admirable, if anything is praiseworthy think about such things." Philippians 4:8 Religion: Hezekiah, The exiles return Lion's Quest: Unit 2.8-lesson-I can handle my ups and downs...

Kndergarten News 2/27

In the classroom: Weekly Bible verse: "Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master." John 13:16 Religion: Jesus' "I am" statements Reading: My View Literacy-unit 7-blending, simple text, sight words, ending marks, writing rules Math: Sadlier...