Physical Science

December 13, 2023

Merry Christmas! We have finished the physics portion of physical science and students have taken their final exam on Monday. They did very well on the final. Grades that are posted on RenWeb are the final grade for the quarter. The two quarter grades will be averaged (40% each) with the final (20%) to calculate their semester grade. After the holidays, we will begin our chemistry portion of our class. I pray that each of you have a blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior!

Physical Science

Physical Science

We are just about finished with science this year. The 8th graders took their final on Wednesday and the 7th graders will take their final next Wednesday, May 15. Science Fair projects have been graded and their write-ups will be going home in the Thursday folder. I...

Physical Science

Physical Science

It is test time. We are almost done! Our last chapter test is Monday, May 6. We will then review for our science final. The 8th graders will take their final on Wednesday, May 8 and the 7th graders will take their final Wednesday, May 15. Thanks so much for your...